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Global policy on mercury

Professor Tamsin MatherAn REF case study on the research of Univ Fellow Professor Tamsin Mather has been published on the MPLS website.

A REF impact case study on the research of Univ Fellow Professor Tamsin Mather, Supernumerary Fellow in Earth Sciences and Professor of Earth Sciences has been published on the MPLS (Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, University) website.

The article mentions how Professor Mather and a team of researchers are influencing global policy on mercury, one of the most dangerous environmental pollutants. Mercury is extremely toxic and causes a range of serious health impacts including brain and neurological damage, especially among young people and unborn children. Mercury poses a particular ecological and human health risk due to its chemical properties. It vaporises easily, thus becoming highly mobile, and many mercury compounds are water-soluble or form readily in the soil, allowing mercury to enter the food chain and accumulate in dangerous quantities.

Published: 5 November 2015

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