University College is an ancient Christian foundation; but as a modern and inclusive community we welcome students and staff of all faiths and of none. Information about our religious and cultural provision for students and staff of different faiths can be read in the Faith Provision PDF.
The Chaplain
The College Chaplain is the Revd Dr Andrew Gregory, who is also a member of the Welfare Team, and is always glad to see members of the College and its staff. He operates an open-door policy and any student or member of staff who wishes to do so is welcome to call in socially, or to talk to him in confidence about any matter of concern. The College is a very diverse community, and most of his work takes place in a context of pastoral support in which no assumptions are made as to whether individuals hold to any religious beliefs or to none.
Andrew can be contacted on +44 (0)1865 276 663 or via email
Find out more about Andrew on his Profile page.
Find out more about provision for student welfare on our Welfare Support page and, for current students, on the Univ Intranet.
Chapel Services & Music
The Chapel is in the Front Quad, next to the Hall, and at the heart of the College’s main site. It offers a beautiful and tranquil space in which all members of the College and their guests are welcome.
The Chapel may be used for a variety of purposes: for the rehearsing and performing of concerts and plays, as a space for lectures and meetings, or as a quiet place to take time out in a busy day. However it was built as a place of Christian worship, and that remains its purpose today.
The Chapel contains some of our most important material treasures, including our Van Linge windows and our Flaxman monument to Sir William Jones.
You can find out more about the Chapel building and many of its features on our College Buildings Chapel page.
Chapel Services
Our services are those of the Church of England, and our ethos is welcoming and inclusive. Anyone who wishes to attend or to participate is welcome to do so to the extent that they feel comfortable. Some who attend services here are committed Christians, and glad to make connections between their faith and their studies. Many others would say that they are not religious, are agnostic or enquiring, or identify with another faith. Some people come simply because they wish to sing, or listen to the choir. Anyone who wishes to attend is welcome, for whatever reason they choose to come.
Our main act of worship is usually Choral Evensong on Sunday evenings at 5.45-6.45pm in term time. Our excellent choir leads much of our worship, and there is a short sermon, often by a visiting preacher. Read more information about our preachers.
Daily prayers are also said throughout most of the year, Monday to Friday at 8.40-8.55am.
Further information is on our termly Chapel Card and details of this term’s music in Chapel can be found in the Chapel Music section below.
Chapel Music
Univ takes great pride in its organ scholars and choir, and offers them its full and enthusiastic support. Our Director of Music, Giles Underwood, is always pleased to hear from prospective applicants for organ and choral scholarships or from anyone who might like to join the choir or to get involved in music in College. Find out more on our Music page.
Details of the Chapel Organs can be found on our College Buildings Chapel page.
For details of this term’s music see our Music in Chapel PDF.
Faith Communities in Oxford
Oxford is home to people of many different faiths and beliefs and there is a wide variety of places and forms of religious worship and practice in the city. The University provides information about Faith societies, belief groups, or religious centres within Oxford University. It also provides links to the days and times of religious services of a range of different faiths, including services that are not conducted in English.