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Blockchain Research Centre Opens

Bill Roscoe, Director of the Centre, with Sir Ivor CreweThe Opening Ceremony of University College Oxford Blockchain Research Centre was held on Wednesday, 3 October. The Centre hosted the ceremony at University College (“Univ”), bringing together guests from academia, industry, law and investment backgrounds.

Sir Ivor Crewe, Master of University College Oxford, officially announced the College’s new endeavours. He stated that: “This is a research centre that will carry out cutting-edge research on blockchain technology that is poised to transform the everyday lives of people in the world. University College, known as the oldest college in University of Oxford, is at the forefront of such new technology.” The Centre, as an initiative of University College, is now officially launched.

Univ Blockchain Centre Open 2Prof. Bill Roscoe, Director of the Centre, recounted how the Centre started. “Researching into blockchain convinced us that there were hidden depths in the subject, combining intellectual fascination with real practical benefits. There is much to be discovered”. He acknowledged that although blockchain has some misunderstood negative associations, he anticipated huge potential both for the development of computer science and for practical applications. He firmly believes that with a top-class multi-disciplinary team of researchers the Centre will uncover the exciting possibilities of blockchain technology and its public benefits will come to be appreciated.

Read more about University College Oxford Blockchain Research Centre blockchain.univ.ox.ac.uk

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Published: 5 October 2018

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