Anna Bella Eema
Dr Jessica Lazar (2009, English) is directing the UK premiere of Anna Bella Eema, a play by Pulitzer Prize finalist Lisa D’Amour. The story follows Annabella, a precocious child living in a deserted trailer park who conjures a girl out of mud to defend her home from demolition.
Dr Lazar’s company, Atticist Productions, is co-producing the play with Arcola Theatre The play has been revised for this production so it is the first time time version has ever have been staged. This version of the play will be printed by Faber in the UK, with introductions from Dr Lazar and Lisa D’Amour.
Dr Lazar said “It’s a very beautiful, strange, funny, moving play with a strong established cast, and we’re hoping it might be a small hit. It has every reason to be…”
The play runs from 11 September to 12 October at the Arcola Theatre, London. Tickets start from £15.
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