Mental Health Day 2022
World Mental Health Day gives welfare reps a chance to reflect on possible concerns in our college environment and how we can best cater welfare resources and initiatives to tackle prevalent issues. When discussing our aims for this year, we made sure to recognise something all Oxford students can relate to: academic stress.
As fifth week approaches, many students are overwhelmed with a high workload and missing home. These, combined with other different worries, can take a toll on students’ mental health, and thus how students might deal with these stresses.
College already has the brilliant Welfare Week scheduled during this time, so students have events they can attend to wind down. This has proved so effective, and we hope to continue this. We also decided that we want events that make the more difficult parts of fifth week more bearable too. We hope to set up group studying sessions, so students can work whilst fuelling their social bar, or to provide events that don’t have the same pressure to socialise as others. This way we hope to include a wider range of people.
We’re also looking to continue with the “adopt a finalist” initiative whereby students in their final exam season are treated to small and regular gifts and words of encouragement from lower years. This provides bursts of motivation and optimism for very stressed students and encourages students to look out for one another.
Ayesha Ali (2021, Medicine) and Max Israel (2021, History and Russian), JCR Welfare Reps
Find out more about welfare at Univ and meet our full team on the Welfare Support page of the website; current students can read our Where to Go for Help document, under Student Welfare on the College intranet.
Published: 10 October 2022
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