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Simulations startup win

Dr Mark Catherall (2003, DPhil Engineering)A startup co-founded by Univ Old Member Dr Mark Catherall (2003, DPhil Engineering) has recently won a research and development competition to receive funding from the Government.

Canopy Simulations provides simulations to F1 and other motorsports teams through a cloud-powered web platform.

The R&D competition was awarded to Canopy Simulations for their vision for a similar online platform where manufacturers of hybrid and electric vehicles can simulate and optimise their cars and drivetrains (engines and gearboxes) using their state of the art F1 simulations technology. The new platform will be called EValuator (EV for Electric Vehicle) and will be used both by people who make batteries, motors, and other components, and by people who are designing hybrid and electric cars.

Mark spent three years at McLaren Racing before leaving to do a DPhil. During his DPhil he did five years consulting for Ferrari, on everything from lap time simulations to high-dimensional metamodels. Mark has an MEng and DPhil from Univ.

Further details on Canopy Simulations can be found on their website here.

Published: 11 October 2016

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