In Memoriam: Dr Glenn Black
The College greatly regrets to report the death of Dr Glenn Black in January this year. Glenn was elected a Salvesen JRF at Univ in 1969, and was then our English Lecturer from 1971-8. He also served as Junior Dean for some years. He was elected a Fellow of Oriel College in 1978, where he remained for over thirty years. He retired as a Fellow in 2010, but continued as Senior Tutor for another two years.
Many Old Members of the 1970s will remember Glenn, and will wish to join with the College in sending condolences to his family, especially his wife Alicia, who herself worked for several years in the College Office in the 1990s and early 2000s.
A tribute to Glenn will appear in the next issue of the University College Record. There will also be a memorial service for him on Friday 25 October at 2pm at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin. More information, including details of how to attend, can be found on the Oriel College website.
Published: 12 April 2024