Adrienn Almásy-Martin

Adrienn Almásy-Martin

Non-Stipendiary Lecturer in Egyptology; Departmental Lecturer in Egyptology (2023/2024), Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


I teach Egyptian history and civilisation to 1st year undergraduates and Coptic dialects to 3rd year undergraduates in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.


My main areas of research are in Egyptian Demotic and Greek documentary and funerary texts from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Within this, my most recent publications are focused on the study of the use of Demotic in the Graeco-Roman period, the interaction of Demotic and Greek languages, and the study of Demotic and Greek literacy.

I am working on the extensive unpublished Demotic and Greek mummy label collection of the Louvre and graffiti and ostraca from Gebel el-Silsila (Upper Egypt), as well as Greek funerary material in the British Museum.

Prior to working in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, I was a Research Associate at the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names Project in the Faculty of Classics (2019-2023), where I was responsible for the compiling the Greek names, written in Greek and Demotic, in Egypt.

Selected Publications

Recent Publications

• (Forthcoming) Greek Personal Names in Egypt (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents, Oxford University Press), Oxford. With Y. Broux (eds).

• (2023) Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank, Vol. 1 (The Swedish Expedition to Gebel el-Silsila, Brill), Leiden. With M. Nilsson and J. Ward.

• (2023) Demotic Ostraca from the Rob Demarée Collection’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 40, Brill), Leiden, 31-59.

• (2023) ‘Examination of Liturgists’. In F. Hoogendijk and J. V. Stolk (eds), Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 40, Brill), 160-162.

• (2022) ‘Dogs on Labels: Anubis representations on Mummy Labels from the Louvre’. In A. Almásy-Martin – M. Chauveau – K. Donker van Heel – K. Ryholt (eds), Ripple in Still Water When There is No Pebble Tossed. Festschrift in Honour of Cary J. Martin. London: 43-54.

• (2022) ‘Four Coptic Funerary Stelae in The British Museum’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 108: 269-277.

• (2021) ‘Always Remember to Check the Back: A Closer Look at Some Published Ostraca in the British Museum and British Library’. In G. van Loon – J. Stolk (eds), Text Editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca. Some people love their friends even when they are far away: Festschrift in Honour of Francisca A. J. Hoogendijk (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 37), Leiden: 33-56. With C. J. Martin.

• (2020) ‘Demotic, Greek and Coptic Ostraca from Abydos in the British Museum’. In E. O’Connell, (ed.) Abydos in the First Millennium AD (BMPES 9), Leuven: 223-258.

• (2019) ‘Greek Tax Receipts from Abydos in the British Museum’, BASP 56: 79-93. With R. Duttenhöfer.

• (2019) ‘Some Remarks on Bilingual Mummy Labels in the Louvre’. In F. Naether (ed.), New Approaches in Demotic Studies. Acts of the 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies (ZÄS Suppl. 10), Berlin – Boston: 15-38.

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